The Great Plains Laboratory, Inc.



Contact Information

We recommend contacting Great Plains Lab directly with test kit and procedure questions.  Please contact our office if you need a kit or requisition.

11813 West 77th Street
Lenexa, KS 66214 USA
Telephone: 800-288-0383



An upfront cash payment for testing is made to PIM when you receive your kit.

OAT: $309

Mycotox : $299

IgG Food Allergy: $219

GPL TOX: $299

Be sure to always include the completed requisition form with your kit.



Include these items when sending in your completed kit:

  • Completed requisition*

  • Payment (if necessary)

  • A copy of the front and back of your health care coverage card

*If we shipped a kit directly to your home, Great Plains Lab will have your ICD 10 codes and provider's signature on file even though they will not be on the requisition you receive with your kit.

Turnaround Times

Please see detailed instructions inside your test kit.

  • Organic Acid Test (OAT) - 4 weeks

    • 48 Hours Prior- avoid apples, grapes (including raisins), pears, cranberries and their juices. 12 hours prior- no arabinogalactan, echinacea, reishi mushrooms, or ribose supplements. Limit liquid intake after 6pm the night before. Females, do not collect during menstruation.Freeze Ice block at least 4 hours prior to shipment. Schedule fed ex pick up Mon-Thurs.

  • IgG Food Allergy Dried Blood Spot - 4 weeks

    • Collect at home, allow 3 hours for bloodspot to dry

  • IgG Food Allergy Serum Draw- 4 weeks

    • Draw site: Any Lab Test Now- Springfield, PA Mon-Th 8am-noon. Or visit

  • Mycotox Kit - 3 weeks

    • 12 Hours prior, fasting. First Morning Urine collection, before food or drink