Welcome Back!
We missed you!
We have transitioned to a new, free patient portal, Power2Patient, since we last saw you.
Let's get up-to-date!
Welcome back! These directions are for patients who have not seen us for an appointment since we transitioned to the Power2Patient Portal (P2P) in June of 2017. Let’s get up-to-date before your next appointment.
***Our pricing has changed since you were last in. Please be sure to review our current pricing and 2 business day cancellation policy here.***
1. Register for our free patient portal, Power2Patient
Your username and email address are the same*. Please use Chrome as your browser when using the portal. If you experience technical difficulties, please contact support at (855) 667-1967.
If you are already registered for the P2P portal, log in here.
*If another user is already using your email address as a username, your username will differ. The same email address can be used on multiple accounts, but a different username is required for each patient. You should also receive your username in an email from P2P. If you are not sure what your username is, please contact us.
2. Complete your questionnaire no later than 1 week prior to your appointment
From the home screen of the portal, click on Questionnaire on the top, left side of the screen. Complete all sections of the questionnaire.
On the right side of the portal home page, you can also watch a video tutorial ,Take a tour of the New Patient Portal! to help with navigating the P2P portal.
3. (Optional) Cancel your Portal Connect account
Portal Connect (our old patient portal that is no longer being used) charged a $48 yearly subscription to those who signed up. When we transitioned to Power2Patient in June of 2017, we sent a message to all PIM patients recommending they cancel their Portal Connect accounts. If you haven’t cancelled your subscription yet, we advise doing so now. Some patients prefer keeping their old portal account and that is fine, but we do not check messages sent on the old portal.
Our current portal, Power2Patient (P2P), is free. We can still access your documents on the old portal even after you cancel your subscription. Unfortunately, we are unable to cancel this account on your behalf. Please contact Portal Connect directly and cancel your account.
How to cancel your Portal Connect account:
1. Contact info@portalconnect.net or call 1-866-779-1526 and request to have your subscription cancelled.
2. Portal Connect will ask for your date of birth and the answer to your secret question in order to validate your identity.
Thank you for completing sign up for the P2P portal. We look forward to your appointment!
Visit notes that include supplement instructions, lab orders, and invoice fulfillments (AKA superbills for insurance reimbursement) are available in the Documents section of your portal after each appointment.
Our preferred method of communication is portal messaging. Now that you have registered for the portal, please message us on the portal instead of emailing to optimize confidentiality.