Can Visceral Massage Help Heal Your Gut?


Visceral Massage is an alternative treatment that incorporates gentle massage techniques applied to internal organs. It was developed by a French physical therapist and osteopath named Jean-Pierre Barral. It targets the “dynamics of motion and suspension in relation to organs, membranes, fascia, and ligaments” according to the Barral Institute. While visceral massage can be used to treat a variety of different disorders, our provider team highly values it as a part of integrative treatment for gastrointestinal dysfunction.

Visceral massage is useful in treating:

  • Bloating

  • Constipation

  • Diarrhea

  • Reflux

  • IBS

  • SIBO

  • Swallowing disorders

This modality works by targeting the viscera (muscles, ligaments, and connective tissue) in areas of dysfunction in the abdominal cavity. Handwork stretches and kneads the deep tissues which enhances blood flow and energy to these parts of the body while releasing restrictions, adhesions, and scar tissue. The gastrointestinal tract has many valves which are often the root of dysfunction in GI disorders like reflux and SIBO. For example, the ileocecal valve connects the small intestine to the first part of the large intestine. Dysfunction of this valve can cause bacteria to migrate from the large intestine to the small intestine, where these species were not intended to be leading to issues like bloating, diarrhea, or constipation. Specific visceral massage techniques can improve the ileocecal valve function. Visceral massage may also improve the motility of the small and large intestine as well as the function of the liver, stomach, and other digestive organs.

The core of integrative medicine means using a holistic, team-based approach to care. We are lucky to share an office with a physical therapist trained in visceral manipulation, Lea Flannagan, MSPT. She trained with the Barral Institute to learn specific techniques to help heal a wide variety of issues with visceral manipulation. If you think including visceral massage in your treatment plan may augment your healing process, we encourage you to mention it to your provider.

PIM wants to hear from you! Have you ever seen a provider for visceral massage? Do you find this article helpful? Share your thoughts in the comments below or on our Facebook and Instagram!

If you or your loved one needs help, perhaps you are suffering from GI dysfunction or you or they are already working with a doctor to address a condition but want a more comprehensive, empowering approach to medicine, schedule a 20 minute free consultation or an appointment with Zoie Phillips, MSPA, PA-C or Lynda Sherland, CRNP, FNP-C today! Not quite ready to schedule and have questions? Quickly get in touch with us today!


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