Are Eggs Safe to Include in my Diet?

Dietary Cholesterol

By Georgia Tetlow, MD and Jill Maddock

October is Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness or SCA Month. Join PIM at Cabrini’s Iadarola Hall on 10/17 at 6:30 pm for a Free Group Class on Cardiovascular Health.

Eggs are one of the most convenient, versatile and nutritious foods that humans have been consuming for centuries. Unless you are specifically instructed by your healthcare provider not to consume eggs, they are a great addition to your diet!

One caveat, is that if you consume eggs daily or too frequently, it is possible that you may develop a sensitivity or allergy. Like anything, moderation is best!


Why are eggs healthy?

Eggs are jammed packed with nutrients and specifically contain vitamins C, D, B12, K, E, choline and minerals. Eggs are low in calories and contain all essential amino acids. On top of moderation, the type of eggs that you choose to eat is very important. Eggs coming from free range hens fed organic feed are best. As many of you know, avoid eating eggs from caged hens that were fed processed grain and treated with antibiotics and pesticides. The makeup of their eggs will differ greatly, especially in the composition of fatty acids.


What is the myth?

There has recently been some concern around including eggs in our diet. Some believe that eggs can increase our blood cholesterol, however, research has shown that blood cholesterol levels in humans are not increased through eating cholesterol-high foods such as eggs.

The  American Journal of Clinical Nutrition supports that consuming eggs in moderation does not contribute to cardiovascular disease. There is little to no connection between eating eggs and increased blood cholesterol. The Cleveland Clinic supports this in their article “Why You Should No Longer Worry About Cholesterol in Your Diet.” We now understand that high blood  cholesterol does not actually come from consuming high cholesterol foods. About 85% of the cholesterol in our bodies is manufactured in the liver. However, our diets can still have a negative effect on our blood cholesterol (and on our blood vessel health) if we consume trans fats--these are prevalent in fried and prepared foods. Please check back next week for focus on “bad fats” vs. “good fats” as we learn how diet can help heal cardiovascular disease.


Interested in connecting with PIM? Register for our upcoming group class at Cabrini College: October 17th: Live Long and Prosper: Functional and Integrative Medicine for Cardiovascular Health. Keys to Heart and Blood Vessel Health with Annmarie McManus, MMSc, PA-C, PT, IFMCP and Georgia Tetlow, MD, ABOIM. Admission is FREE!


If you or your loved one has a musculoskeletal concern or ongoing stress, mood or hormone imbalance and, please consider scheduling an appointment with Annmarie McManus, MMSc, PA-C, PT, IFMCP, our certified Functional Medicine PIM provider.


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