Inspire Your Self-Care with These Events!
Hi everyone! How is your year going so far? Self-care is the foundation for our self-esteem, energy and what we see is possible. And it can be challenging to cultivate! This week we share with you the many exciting upcoming events that can bring you into balance and encourage you to be an active participant in your self-care. I hope to see you at some of these events and please spread the word!

2/26 7:00pm @ The Resiliency Center, Free Philadelphia Integrative Medicine Open House
To celebrate our expanding hours in February (we are now open Tuesdays), we're holding an open house onWednesday 2/26/2014 at 7:00pm at the Resiliency Center. Join us for a night of connecting, sharing information about Integrative Medicine, raffles, discounted supplements and more! We’ll be raffling off supplements as well as three Micronutrient Tests. [Click here for our Open House handout that you can share with your community].
Free Online Summit! Healthy Weight Loss Though Joyful Choices
It's hard to stick to New Year’s resolutions. Many of us are committed to transforming from the inside out, which can mean losing un-needed weight. Make 2014 your year! Join me a summit on inspired solutions to healthy weight loss, and listen in for my hour interview on how joyful lifestyle choices are the most effective! Join the summit here.
2/8 2:00pm @ Moyo-Yoga, An Anti-inflammatory Lifestyle - Focus on Omega 3's
Diet, lifestyle and personal growth provide excellent natural tools to reduce inflammation, the precursor to and mediator of most diseases. We’ll cover the anti-inflammatory role of omega 3 fatty acids, and the best quantity and kind. Join me for lecture, skills training, and guided yoga. [Download the flyer here]
3/8 2:00pm @ Moyo-Yoga, Walk the Path, Love Yourself Now Workshop
In this workshop, you’ll receive a prescription for establishing a Mind, Body, and Spirit home practice and an exercise program that sticks. You will also learn how to remove fears that get in the way of joyful choices using The Path to Heal techniques. It is the infusion of joy into all of our daily practices that transforms our health and our bodies. [Download the flyer here]
4/12 @ Chateau at SugarLoaf - Save the Date: Take Charge of Your Bone Health Event
Join leading experts in bone health, including Dr. Tetlow, as they cover topics such as exercise, nutrition and self-care to strengthen your bones! We will appreciate food as medicine, celebrate the mind-body connection, and address relevant supplements and micronutrients for bone health. More details to follow! [Download the flyer here]