Is Fish Oil Safe?

I recently received many emails and calls regarding a highly publicized study that reported a perceived increased risk of prostate cancer in men taking fish oil. Many patients, colleagues and community members were frightened by these headlines and wanted to know what they should do. They did not know what to make of the headlines, and reached out to me to review the study, put it in context, and help them safely decide if they and their male loved ones and friends should continue taking omega 3 fatty acids.

Watch Dr. Tetlow as she explains what to expect at your first visit:

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The Council on Responsible Nutrition said it best in their July 11, 2013 press release: "The numerous benefits of omega-3 fatty acids from foods (like salmon and sardines) and dietary supplements are well-established for men and women in all stages of life—and this new study does not change those recommendations about the importance of this nutrient. Hundreds of studies over the past two decades have shown omega-3 fatty acids to have positive effects associated with cardiovascular health, perinatal health, inflammation, cognitive function, or cancer. Collectively, this body of research serves as the basis for numerous recommendations from respected organizations, scientific boards and healthcare practitioners that Americans get omega-3 fatty acids in their diets."

Omega 3 fatty acids continue to be safe and health promoting!

Click here to read more the Council of Responsible Nutrition's conclusions about the "Plasma Phospholipid Fatty Acids and Prostate Cancer Risk in the SELECT Trial".  (pdf download)


Georgia Tetlow, MD, FAAPMR, CWSP

Dr. Tetlow is founder and CEO of Philadelphia Integrative Medicine and practices in her prototype clinic at The Resiliency Center, in Ambler, PA. She completed an integrative medicine fellowship at the University of Arizona, has a faculty affiliation at Thomas Jefferson. She offers expertise in mind-body medicine, herbal therapies and the role of diets and energy medicine to address chronic illness, cancer recovery and pain. Visit her, call (888) 702-7974 or email