Preparing for Pregnancy; New study finds lifestyle factors are key in miscarriage


Our daily habits have a profound impact on our health, especially when it comes to conception and pregnancy. A new study published in Fertility and Sterility has demonstrated a link between men and women's pre-conception caffeine intake and an increased likelihood of miscarriage. The study found that couples (both men and women) who consumed more than 2 caffeinated beverages daily during the weeks prior to conception were more likely to miscarriage. The study also found that women who took prenatal vitamins during the preconception period had a 55% reduction in pregnancy loss. Both these findings emphasize the importance of healthy lifestyle on pregnancy and its outcomes. Many couples need guidance on how to best approach conception and pregnancy. For example, many people know that prenatal vitamins are essential but choosing the right one can be confusing. When shopping for prenatal multivitamins look for brands that have folate or folinic acid instead of the synthetic folic acid and include methylated B vitamins. These forms of B vitamins and folate are key in methylation and healthy outcomes. Our Integrative Fertility Program helps both men and women optimize their wellness to boost fertility and achieve healthier pregnancies.