Happy Holidays! Keep YOU a Top Priority

holiday mindfulness stress

As healthcare providers, we see a trend during the holidays. There tends to be a shift in December or even before Thanksgiving where we start putting our wellbeing off for “later” or “once the Holidays are over” or “after…” fill in the blank. Also, an intensity or “feeling we need to rush” can develop in our culture around this time. Join us on 1/24 for our FREE group class Prime Cognition-Optimize Your Brain Health.

It’s key to be mindful of this shift in order to prevent our stress from both making us crazy, and reducing our enjoyment. Afterall, isn’t enjoyment the final goal? Don’t sacrifice your health in order to shop more and make dozens of baked goods! At PIM, we want to support you in creating a balance and consistency throughout the entire year. Here are a few tips on how to approach our never-ending holiday to-do lists:

  1. Put your priorities in place--one key priority is to feel well and calm. Be aware if intensity and tightness develops--if they do--revisit your priorities.

  2. Choose the essentials--which traditions are important and which are you ready to let go of? Ask your family, decide what is doable, make a list. Maybe the kids are too old for some traditions, maybe you can switch one off every other year.

  3. Choose a self-care practice that you will absolutely commit to--walking, sitting for 5-10 mins in quiet, inviting your family to “center” or make eye contact before dinner. Choose one practice and absolutely stick to it.

When we are open and available, we’re most likely to be our best. The following 5 practices can help us slow down and prioritize ourselves and our true needs. You can do these everyday, and some can be combined and done at the same time, for example ‘be still’ and ‘quiet time’ and ‘go outside’ and ‘breathe’.


  1. Breathe - when can you find time to take  even, deep breaths at least 1 to 2 minutes every day

  2. Move - for energy, blood flow, oxygen, endorphins every day

  3. Be Still- sit in quiet for 5 minutes with your eyes closed to prepare for your day

  4. Quiet time- find a pocket of quiet in your bed before you rise, in the car, etc. everyday

  5. Go Outside - Take a walk, sit in the sun for 5 minutes everyday

Make it a goal to simplify this year and take notice on how January 1 comes and goes a lot easier! If it makes you stressed and sick - let it go! Let’s identify and release unreasonable self-expectations so we can enjoy the holidays! At PIM we wish you a joyous and happy season, filled with healthy relationships, a strong commitment to yourself and your well-being and healing on all levels--mind, body and spirit.

Interested in connecting with PIM? Register for one of our upcoming events - FREE Group Classes at Cabrini University (please RSVP online) OR Nutrition Classes with our very own Rachel Hershberger, MS, CNS, LDN, tickets just $45 at sign up (limited to 8 participants for individual attention, registered participant only, no walkins).

If you or your loved one has ongoing stress, mood or hormone imbalance, or they are suffering from a chronic illness, please consider scheduling a 20 minute free consultation or an appointment with Lauren Houser, MS, MSN, CRNP or Annmarie McManus, MMSc, PA-C, PT, IFMCP.

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