What is Low FODMAP Diet?

low FODMAP diet

By Georgia Tetlow, MD and Jill Maddock, PIM Office Manager


Many of you may have heard of or may be following a low FODMAP diet. If you don’t know what a FODMAP is, or want to learn more, read on….


What are FODMAPs?







FODMAPs refer to a group of small chain carbohydrates that can be malabsorbed in the small intestine. People who have an intestinal microbial imbalance in their small intestine (upper/mid tummy) can benefit from a low FODMAP diet because it can reduce inflammation and facilitate digestion. FODMAPS are common in many diets because they are found in everyday foods like wheat, apples, rye, pears, barley, mango, honey, onions, garlic, sugar free gum, cashews, kidney beans, mints and medicines.

At Philadelphia Integrative Medicine, we strive to give you the tools to care for yourself and be well. A diet is one way that you can take charge of your own health, today! Our care is personalized at PIM, to learn how we would address your specific symptoms,  schedule your Free 20 minute consultation with Annmarie McManus, PA to learn how we can help you.

If you like this article and would like to learn more about tools to help support a healthy weight, join Dr. Tetlow this Wednesday 6/20 from 4:30- 6:00 pm at Cabrini University to Dive Deeper!


Those with IBS can benefit from restricting their diet of FODMAPs by improving GI symptoms such as abdominal pain bloating and gas. The structure of these small carbohydrates pull water into the small intestine like a water balloon. If you are constipated, it may feel like there is a balloon in your gut! Microbes in the gut ferment FODMAPs from diet and create gas, leading to uncomfortable symptoms.

The Solution

The low FODMAP diet lasts from 2 to 6 weeks. It is considered an elimination diet because high FODMAP foods that may be triggering your GI Symptoms are mostly or completely removed. You want to take this diet slow and learn from how it affects your body. Eliminating certain foods will help you learn to understand your personal dietary triggers. See our past blog on the 7 types of hunger to learn more. We recommend that you complete a low FODMAP diet with the guidance of a trained Integrative Nutritionist. Once you complete the elimination portion, you will need more guidance to reintroduce FODMAPs in a methodical way and determine your tolerance.

Here is a handy grocery list by Kate Scarlata, RDN, FODMAP & IBS expert.

PIM wants to hear from you! Do you have an experience with a low FODMAPs or other diet? Do you find this article helpful? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Interested in connecting with PIM? Register for one of our upcoming events - Deep Dive Classes with Dr. Tetlow at Cabrini College, tickets just $75 at sign up (limited space for individual attention, no walkins, please). Deep Dive offers intensive, interactive, life transforming experiences that include honest self-assessments and multiple keys to help you be and feel different. We’ll explore Healthy Weight (June 20!) and how to get there--this class is designed for the educated health consumer who is doing many things right but not seeing results.



Adapted from FODMAP Education handout by Kate Scarlata, RDN- A Digestive Peace of Mind, LLC