The Sunshine Vitamin Part 1: Why Vitamin K is important too!

vitamin D supplement

What is Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin that acts as a hormone that contributes to many important processes in our bodies. Nearly every cell in the human body has a vitamin D receptor- it affects over 1000 genes and their expression! At PIM, a vitamin D serum level (25-hydroxy Vitamin D is the correct test!) is a standard for all our patients.

If I'm low in Vitamin D, Why is Vitamin K so important?

Our current patients may note we have a new favorite D3 supplement in the office with a confusing new name that our Administrative Assistant,  Rachel Dodson is graciously displaying above! PIM recommends Ortho Molecular K-Force. K- Force still contains 5,000 IU of the most bioavailable form of vitamin D--Vitamin D3. This new supplement also contains the best form of K, in the ideal amount. Emerging new research emphasizes the importance of Vitamin K in bone and cardiovascular health. Vitamin K will work in synergy with Vitamin D to guide calcium into the bones and prevent absorption into the arteries, organs and joint spaces.

Ortho Molecular K-Force is the exclusive source of Vitamin K2 in the form of MK-7. What does this mean? Vitamin K occurs in 2 main forms: K1 and K2. K2 has two subclasses: MK-4 and MK-7. MK-4 is only a metabolic byproduct, while MK-7 is a substantially more bioavailable form due to its structure. MK-7 is more active with a longer half-life. MK-7’s longer side-chain enables it to easily bind with circulating fat particles. Clinical trials from the University of Maastricht have shown that most people consume enough vitamin K for adequate blood clotting, but not enough for bone health and cardiovascular needs. K-Force is formulated with 180 mcg of MK-7 to provide this support. Please note: It is important to work with a healthcare provider when making any changes to your supplement routine.

Schedule an appointment today and we can check your Vitamin D and other levels, or stop by the office to purchase K-Force! You can also find it in our online dispensary.

Too much of a good thing?

Monitoring your levels through conventional testing will also ensure that you aren’t taking too much vitamin D. Doses of 5,000 to 10,000 IU are tolerated well in those with deficiencies. The amount one needs varies depending on height, weight, skin tone and of course lifestyle. Just 10-15 minutes of sunshine per day can give some individuals up to 10,000 IU vitamin D--but not everyone. Too much or too little Vitamin D can lead to complications. Check back next week when Lauren Houser, CRNP explains more applications for Vitamin D, ideal levels and specific testing that we offer at PIM!

PIM wants to hear from you! Do you have an experience with Vitamin D and your health goals? Do you find this article helpful? Share your thoughts in the comments below!


Healthy Weight Class Mainline

Interested in connecting with PIM? Register for one of our upcoming events - Deep Dive for Healthy Weight on 6/29 at 4:30 pm  with Dr. Tetlow at Cabrini College, tickets just $75 at sign up (limited space for individual attention, no walkins, please). Deep Dive offers intensive, interactive, life transforming experiences that include honest self-assessments and multiple keys to help you be and feel different.

If you or your loved one want to improve overall well being or are suffering from a chronic illness, please consider scheduling a 20 minute free consultation or an appointment with Lauren Houser, MS, MSN, CRNP or Annmarie McManus, MMSc, PA-C, PT, IFMCP.
