6 Ideas for Nourishment in the New Year

The dawn of the New Year always stirs a buzz with people talking about their lofty New Years Resolution goals. Gyms are packed with resolutioners wanting to get “in-shape”, maybe you saw your old high school classmate post about going Keto. While these goals are commendable and we love that people are making their health a priority, the good ol’ statistic that “less than 25% of people actually stay committed to their resolutions after just 30 days” is popping up in our heads (Forbes, 2018).

Instead of setting resolutions that don’t stick, we want to encourage you to find ways to nourish yourself this upcoming year. The reason being is that adding in nourishment naturally fosters positivity and healing, whereas goals can feel rigid and, as the stats show, are often unattainable. This could be a brewing site for negativity that hinders healing and health. Nourishment gives you the ability to do things for yourself, but also gives you the freedom to wane and wax to fit the needs your body calls for. So without further ado, here are six ideas you might find nourishment for yourself in 2020.

1 . Ask yourself what you want to add that relates to your intentions — Healthy foods, movement, mindfulness are only a few examples Pick something you want to add into your life will add value to what you are striving for intentionally in 2020.

2. What do you need less of in your day-to-day experience? — Relating to idea #1, adding in something positive means there is less room for experiences, thoughts, people, or time that isn’t serving your purpose. The more you add in, the less space you have for things that don’t nourish you. Take some time to journal, meditate, or talk with someone about you need less of.

3. Figure out what you need — We all need something or things… what is that for you. What is the one thing that will get you over the hump to what you are striving to be, do, or have.

4. Make space for you — Allow yourself space in your day in which you are doing things that support you. This time is important and not at all selfish. Many of us spend much of our times serving others and forget to take personal space to focus on what you need.

5. Accept you — Where you are right now. So much focus is spent on what we aren’t and what we need to improve. Divert that energy, instead, to loving and nurturing where you are on your healing and life journey. There is no race, and life takes many turns, there are good days and bad. Where you are is where you need to be.

6. Be gracious — Having gratitude for the life you have been given is the keystone it all. We will plunder without it, but with it, we can reach heights never imagined. Practicing gratitude for each moment, each experience, and each person in life will enable your nourishment throughout it.

We encourage you to implement these ideas as you are able. Do not feel discouraged if things initially don’t work out as you plan. Check back to #5! Find an accountability partner and come up with a plan. Keep each other in check. Great things happen as a team. As always, your PIM providers are here to support you.

PIM wants to hear from you! How do you find nourishment? Do you find this article helpful? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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If you or your loved one needs help, perhaps you are suffering from the effects of ongoing stress, mood or hormone imbalance, including thyroid imbalance, or you or they are already working with a doctor to address a condition but want a more comprehensive, empowering approach schedule your a 20 minute free consultation or an appointment with Zoie Phillips, MSPA, PA-C today! Not quite ready to schedule and have questions, quickly get in touch with us today!
