Practicing Compassionate Medicine


We are often asked the questions: what is functional medicine? What is integrative medicine? How is it different than my primary care physician?

Check out our past blog: What is Functional Medicine? What is the Functional Medicine (IFMCP) Certification?

 Integrative medicine includes modalities such as botanical, mind-body, somatic and other evidence based therapies, including the most effective treatments from both traditional medicine and complementary medicine to create a plan which to heal mind, body, and spirit. Functional Medicine is included in Integrative Medicine. At PIM, we incorporate both integrative and functional medicine treatments to give you the most personalized plan to improve your health.

Functional medicine is quite specific in its scope. It aims to:

  • Find the underlying/root cause of the problem.

  • Use lab analysis to figure out exactly what is wrong.

  • Use supplements to correct the problem, using medications only as needed.

  • Incorporate lifestyle changes such as diet, exercise, stress reduction, and sleep.

What sets us apart from conventional doctors?

Both conventional and integrative approaches have their purpose in the world of medicine. Conventional medicine is great at addressing urgent and acute medical concerns, and at PIM we actually require that each patient also has a primary care physician they can go to for those urgent and acute concerns. Primary care physicians and conventional doctors are skilled at diagnosing and treating trauma and acute illness.

Integrative and functional medicine truly shines when looking at chronic illnesses that are not as obvious. The conventional medicine model often treats the symptoms caused by chronic illnesses, but not the underlying cause. At PIM we use specialty testing to uncover what is truly causing the imbalance in your system. And not just physically- we look at the mental and spiritual aspects of your health as well, understanding how stress and mental imbalances affect our bodily systems as well.

At Philadelphia Integrative Medicine we aim to heal the whole person. We are here to listen, understand, and help you heal. Most importantly, our goal is to inspire you to see your own role in your health. We want you to feel in control of your own health rather than a victim of it. We practice holistic, compassionate, evidence based medicine. We will meet you where you are and work to create the most effective individualized plan.

Here are what some of our patients are saying about their care with PIM:

“I cannot say enough about Dr. Tetlow. She has cared for my family of seven for five years. My family is three generations so there is a variety of issues that Dr. Tetlow has helped us navigate including food allergies, gut health, cardiovascular health, stroke prevention, muscular and skeletal support, hormone support, antiviral support, antibacterial support, weight gain, loss, and maintenance, methylation support, Lyme Disease, and more! Dr. Tetlow empowers her patients by teaching them. She provides resources during appointments and is accessible through the portal for questions and feedback. In addition, Dr. Tetlow offers presentations on topics of interest for her patients. I have had the privilege of attending a few of the presentations and the amount of time, effort, and information that goes into the presentation is unbelievable. I highly recommend that you check one out! Always infusing her practice with the latest research, you can rest assured that you are working with cutting edge treatments and protocols. Thank you to Dr. Tetlow and everyone at PIM for working together to provide exemplary care for my family and me.” - Desiree B

"I am a patient and wanted to take a quick moment to say how wonderful I think PIM is. PIM very quickly identified 3 major areas that needed work. She put together a clear plan, explained it in a way that was very easy to understand and has been executing on that plan. She has been patient, a good listener, very organized and extremely knowledgeable. I am really impressed how much knowledge she has learned. She hasn’t left any “rock unturned” at this point. She is providing the most comprehensive care I have ever had. She simply is the best health practitioner that I have ever worked with and that says a lot because I have worked with a lot of different practitioners."

"Dr. Tetlow modeled for me multiple aspects of integrative medicine, all the way from explaining advanced special lab testing and supplements’ mechanisms of actions to how to run a private practice. I love and appreciate that she is so willing to help on all levels of my learning curve. I particularly love how methodical, clear and energetic Dr. Tetlow is, both in advising me and working with patients." - Kea Gilbert, MD, Clinical Mentoring Client

Check out more of our patient and mentoring client testimonials here!

PIM wants to hear from you! Do you have an experience with  integrative and functional medicine? Do you find this article helpful? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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If you or your loved one needs help, perhaps you are suffering from the effects of ongoing stress, mood or hormone imbalance, including thyroid imbalance, or you or they are already working with a doctor to address a condition but want a more comprehensive, empowering approach schedule your a 20 minute free consultation or an appointment with Lynda Sherland, RN, FNP-C, Annmarie McManus, MMSc, PA-C, PT, IFMCP or Pat Lotito, MD today! Not quite ready to schedule and have questions, quickly get in touch with us today!

Written by Dani Mortimer, Clinic Manager
