Posts in Nutrition
How to Choose the Best Multivitamin

In my practice, I recommend multivitamins (MVI) because despite excellent food choices, foods often grow in depleted soil, and many people do not absorb nutrients as well as they could. MVI’s have been proved to help people in recovery from cancer and chronic illness, to prevent cancer, as well as address prevention of macular degeneration, cataracts, and much more.

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Micronutrient Testing

Written by Dr. Georgia Tetlow, MD, edited by Clare Abercrombie, BS How do I know if I’m getting the micronutrients I need? Do I need supplements or is my diet sufficient? I choose my food carefully, and eat well—how can I get more of the essential nutrients from what I eat? One way to find out is to test for micronutrients. A micronutrient test addresses our unique nutritional status.

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Do Your Own Colon Cleanse--the less invasive way!

The jury is still out on the validity of these techniques. Until we have seen research supporting the validity of these techniques, we recommend focusing on nutrition, diet, and exercise to cleanse your colon.

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The Benefits of Bone Broth

Is there truth in the old saying, “chicken soup is good for the soul”? Well in all honestly, there is a little bit of truth in that statement, and this post explores the benefits of broths, specifically bone broths.

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Fight or Flight: A Look into the Autonomic Nervous System Part-1

Heard of the “flight or fight” response? Our next two posts will explore the two sides of our autonomic nervous system and how these systems affect our daily lives.

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